# Commands

This file assumes you have already added a version of DumBot to your discord server. In order to accomplish that if you haven't already please reference either of these files before continuing:

Rather than scrolling through this page searching for a specific command I reccomend using the search bar at the top right of the screen if you are viewing this on the DumDocs website.

# Music Commands

# back

/back goes to the previous song played in your instance of DumBot. If DumBot was disconnected from chat this song will be lost. Be aware it will not go to the previous songs that were in queue but literally the LAST song played. So hitting back twice will return you to the song currently being played, not the song played 2 songs ago.

# clear

/clear removes all songs from the queue. Meaning no song will play next and any songs you had set up to play next will be deleted.

# controller

/controller allows the user to select a text channel for a music controller to show up in. This controller allows the user to use many of the existing commands in button format. Here is an example of what the controller looks like:

example of the music controller showing back, queue, resume & pause, now playing, skip, volume down, loop, save, and volume up
example of the music controller showing back, queue, resume & pause, now playing, skip, volume down, loop, save, and volume up

In order to use /controller the user must have the Manage Messages permission.

# filter

/filter allows the user to add an audio filter to the music being played. The options are as follows:

bassboost_low | bassboost | bassboost_high | 8D | vaporwave | nightcore | phaser | tremolo | vibrato | reverse | treble | normalizer2 | normalizer | surrounding | pulsator | subboost | karaoke | flanger | gate | haas | mcompand | mono | mstlr | mstrr | compressor

# jump

/jump allows the user to jump to a specific song in queue. It allows for 2 types of input. Either the song or number input. It's reccomended you use number as it is more accuracte.

  • number allows you to type the position of the song you'd like to jump to in queue. You kind find out it's position in queue by using the /queue command.
  • song allows you to type in the name of the song you'd like to skip to. It must match the name you see in queue exactly or else it will not work.

# loop

/loop allows the user to repeat songs. This has 3 itterations.

  • Song allows the user to loop the current song
  • Queue allows the user to loop all songs in Queue
  • Disable allows the user to stop the loop function

# nowplaying

/nowplaying displays the currently playing song along with some extra information. It is formatted as follows:

example of what the nowplaying command looks like
example of what the nowplaying command looks like

# pause

/pause pauses the current track. It remembers at what point in the song it paused. When you type the command /resume it will continue from the point in time that you pressed /pause.

# play

/play allows the user to play a song based on either search input, a link, or a playlist link. It can work from various sites so try a few different links from various music sites to see if they work.

player shows up in chat once /play has been initiated
player shows up in chat once /play has been initiated

# playnext

/playnext works the same as /play except it does not accept a playlist link. It adds the song you type in to be added to the next position in queue.

# queue

/queue shows you all songs that will be played next.

an example of what the queue command looks like
an example of what the queue command looks like

# remove

/remove allows the user to remove a song from queue. You can either type the number of the song in queue or the name of the song. It's recommended to type the number as it is more accurate. To find out the number in queue simply type /queue

# resume

/resume works hand in hand with the /pause command. If the song has been paused, then using the resume command begins the song at the point at which the song was stopped.

# save

/save sends a direct message to the user that used the save command. That message contains information about the currently playing song for the user to reference later.

# search

/search allows the user to type a description of the song theyd wish to play such as an artist or the song title. DumBot will respond with 10 options for you to choose from. Answer relatively quickly as DumBot will time out.

Type your song choice in chat without any commands and the song will be added to queue.

example of dumbot search command
example of dumbot search command

# seek

/seek moves the user to a specific time in the song. A few example inputs are 5s, 10s, 20 seconds, 1m

# shuffle

/shuffle will randomize the current queue of songs. To see how the songs have been shuffled simply type /queue

# skip

/skip will end the current song and begin the next song in queue.

# stop

/stop will end the current song, clear the queue, and disconnect DumBot from voice.

# volume

/volume allows the user to set the volume. DumBot will typically play at 75% volume. You can change DumBot's volume from anywhere between 1-100%.

# Core Commands

# dumbot

/dumbot displays a simple message when called. He essentially says Hello I am DumBot. I am very dumb. It will then edit that message 4 times with new information before finally stopping on the original message.

DumBot began as a simple project where I wanted to see if I could add a bot to a server and have it respond with the most simple command possible. It has since turned into a new beast to where DumBot isn't so dumb anymore!

# help

/help displays a hidden message that shows all possible commands in a list. It also links back to this repo and this page for full descriptions of what each command does.

# ping

/ping displays the latency, or ping, of DumBot and his responses.

# hroll

/hroll is the exact same as /roll but it is a hidden message. This means that only the user who used the command can see the outcome. Perfect for a Dungeon Master or someone who is running a game.

# roll

/roll allows the user to input a string of numbers and dice in order to randomly calculate a total.

The bot will then display the users Input, the Result of each dice rolled, the Total of all dice and numbers using relevant math, and the Crit Total which displays the value of all dice rolled times 2 plus all relevant math.

Valid inputs are as follows:

  • No input rolls a 20 sided die
  • 1d20, d20, or some variation. The number before the d determines how many dice are to be rolled. The number after the d determines how many sides the dice would have. Ex. 5d10 would roll 5 dice of 10 sides. So therefore 1d20 rolls 1 die of 20 sides
  • Math such as +, -, *, or /. The star * represents multiplication.
  • Integer such as any whole number (Ex. 5)

Here a few example inputs:

  • /roll
  • /roll 1d20 + 1
  • /roll 5 - d6 +4D10*2d2

This is what the output should look like:

example output for rolling 2d6 + 5 + 1d4
example output for rolling 2d6 + 5 + 1d4