Steamy Scoops

Team Members

Mateo Wallace

Hello World! I'm Mateo Wallace. I only started learning coding about 2 months before I created this project. It's astonishing the amount of progress and knowledge we have made as a class and can't wait to see what we can come up with by the end of the course.

Andrew Gibbs

Hello! I've worked very hard on many things in my life but coming from a background of physical labour jobs, this project has been an entirely different ballgame for me...and I LOVE it! Figuring out how to conceputalize a process and then to execute on it and make it a reality has been an experience that puts so many different lessons and aspects of this coding camp together all at once. I'm very proud to work alongside the Bu10 Bois™ to bring Steamy Scoops to life.

Noel Stafford

My name is Noel Stafford. I am brand new to coding but loving the learning process so far. I attend the UCF Coding Boot Camp. I can not wait to see how much more I am able to accomplish and learn before finishing the program. I am also excited to learn and grow beside my classmates and see what all they can accomplish.

José Leyva

Helo World! I'm José Leyva. Like these other fine lads I began about a month before this project started. The journey is rough and headache inducing; but getting those lines of code to work aftert hours of struggling is one of the greatest feelings as a developer. I'm still struggling with javascript; but I'm doing my best to pick it up ASAP to be on the level of my classmates and fellow coders. NICE CODE.