# Overview

rpg-dice-js has two importable items. Thats the Dice class and the roll function. The Dice class is meant to allow users customization options to suit the needs of their code. The roll function is the an instance of the Dice class with all the default customization options turned on.

# Import your item

In order to use either items you must first either import or require them into your code. Such as the following:

// you do not need both, follow the structure of your project if your using require or import

// require
const { roll } = require("rpg-dice-js");

// import
import { roll } from "rpg-dice-js";
// you do not need both, follow the structure of your project if your using require or import

// require
const { Dice } = require("rpg-dice-js");

// import
import { Dice } from "rpg-dice-js";
// you do not need both, follow the structure of your project if your using require or import

// require
const { Dice, roll } = require("rpg-dice-js");

// import
import { Dice, roll } from "rpg-dice-js";

# Use the Roll function

Once roll has been imported, it is fully ready to go out of the box. roll was designed to be as straighforward as possible for the basic use case. To call the roll function in your code simply add parentheses and a user input!

roll("1d20 + 5")

This will return a js object that includes a bunch of data types such as the input, response, and total. In order to access a specific data type simply add the key of your data after the roll function:

roll("1d20 + 5").result

For more in depth info see roll() function

# Use the Dice class

Once the Dice class has been imported, we must declare a variable to use as a new Dice({}). This will allow us to run the methods associated with our class, such as roll.

const d20 = new Dice({})

Before we move forward lets take a look at adjusting settings as thats the entire point of the class! In order to change your settings choose the setting you wish to adjust and assign it your custom value.

const d20 = new Dice({ isBoldCrit: true })

For example declaring isBoldCrit: true makes so if a die is rolled and the value is either 1 or the highest number available, it will wrap that number in two asterisks, **. Don't worry, you can also change the bold wrapper as well. For now lets continue.

Now that our Dice class has been declared and assigned a variable we can access its methods. The main method we will be calling is the roll() method!

d20.roll("1d20 + 5")

Just like the regular roll function, this roll method has all the same properties. It will return a js object that includes a bunch of data types such as the input, response, and total. In order to access a specific data type simply add the key of your data after the roll method:

d20.roll("1d20 + 5").result

For more in depth info see Dice({}) Class

# Example Usage

// require
const { roll } = require("rpg-dice-js");

// example userInput, change this value to change what is fed to the dice roll
const userInput = "1d20 + 5";

// roll dice and respond with the result
const result = roll(userInput).result;

// write the result in console
// require
const { Dice } = require("rpg-dice-js");

// declare new Dice variable
const d20 = new Dice({ isBoldCrit: true });

// example userInput, change this value to change what is fed to the dice roll
const userInput = "1d20 + 5";

// roll dice and respond with the result
const result = d20.roll(userInput).result;

// write the result in console